Free Month of Social Media Posts
Big Things for Small Business!
We’ve introduced some big changes this month and can’t wait to share them with you. We’ve moved all the free social posts content for each month’s Collection (including this one) onto its own handy-to-access, easy-to-use webpage. This way, you’ve got everything you need to succeed in one place. We’ve also added free editable Canva templates for every post so that you can really jazz up and customize your graphics. We’re excited and trust you’ll find it all helpful in keeping your social accounts fresh, engaging and growing! We hope you enjoy this free trial resource. Need more help in future months, we’re here to help with your social media marketing needs.
In this Collection
- 21 brand-building social posts
- 9 seasonal + #TrendingTopics social posts ★
- A customizable caption for every post
- An editable template for every graphic
- Royalty-free stock photo suggestions
- Photo, video and graphic ideas
- Instructions for using Canva templates
- Our Instagram Stories Guide
Using Your Posts
Each social post below includes a caption and a graphic that you can grab, customize and publish to your social accounts right away. The captions can be selected, copied, edited and pasted right into your chosen social networks. And by clicking the “Edit image in Canva” link below each graphic, you’ll have access to a fully-editable template you can use as-is or make your own! Watch the video to learn more about Canva.
Post 1

Hey, New Followers! So glad you’re here 😊 Let’s get to know each other. My name is [insert] and I [“started [insert business name]” or “joined the [insert business name] team”] because I wanted to help people [insert USP]. I love [insert] and am learning to love [insert]. Now your turn! Share below and get in touch anytime you’d like to connect.
- Your professional headshot
- A photo of you “at work” (ie: sitting at your desk, with your product or performing your service)
- A more casual photo of you “at play” <– helps to make your account and your brand feel more relatable!
- A simple graphic you create featuring a photo of you with your logo and/or USP as a text overlay
Post 2

CHAOS OR ORDER >>> What’s your working style? I [insert, ie: “can’t start work in the morning unless my desk is tidy and my To Do list is written, but it’s a different story in my kitchen (lol)”]. Share how you work best below!
- A photo of a space in your home or office that shows your style (either “chaos” or “order”)
- A side-by-side comparison of somewhere you allow for chaos (ie: your junk drawer) and somewhere you aim for order (ie: your home office)
Note: A behind-the-scenes shot of a messy desk or workspace can help to make you and your brand feel more relatable; however, if your business is one where cleanliness is key (ie: medical, food service, professional organizing etc.) beware of showing too much “chaos”.
Post 3

Play with me! 🏝 🏝 🏝 If I was marooned on a deserted island, I’d want to have [insert 3 funny, relatable or sentimental things]. What would you choose? Tell me in the comments below!
- A photo of you looking thoughtful (ie: imagining a tropical island)
- A photo of a tropical location you’ve visited, or of you on a tropical beach
- A photo (or series of photos) of the thing(s) you’d want with you on a deserted island
- A simple graphic you create featuring the words “Play with me!” or “Let’s play a game!” as a text overlay
Post 4

“Dream big. Start small. But most of all, start.” (Simon Sinek) Yes! The thing is, starting is usually the hardest part. I know I [insert; ie: “struggled to get started this morning”, or “struggled to find the gumption to finally start my own business”).] But I’m glad I did because [insert]. What’s something you had a hard time starting but are grateful you did?
- A simple graphic you create featuring the quote as a text overlay
- A casual, natural photo of you “starting something” (ie: behind the Start Line at a local race) or looking “ready for anything” (ie: standing, smiling, hands-on-hips, and looking towards the future)
- An abstract photo representing a challenge you’ve overcome
Post 5

What makes [insert business name] different from other [insert industry] providers? Lots! But mostly, this: When you choose [insert business name], you get: ✅ [insert benefit of your product/service] ✅ [insert benefit] ✅ [insert benefit] (and so much more). [Choose: Book, buy, order, waitlist, etc.] today:
- A photo of your product, of you creating your product, or of you performing your service
- A photo of a happy client/customer using your product or receiving your service (Note: Always get permission to share photos of clients/customers on social media.)
- A simple graphic you create with your USP or mission statement and a clear call-to-action (CTA) as a text overlay
Post 6

I have a hard time tooting my own horn (even though I’m proud of what I do). So I thought I’d let some [insert business name] clients/customers do the tooting for me (lol). Check out some recent reviews here to learn more about how [business name + product/service name] help people to [insert primary USP]: [insert link to Google or Facebook Reviews]
- A simple graphic you create featuring an except of a recent 5-star review as a text overlay (Make sure to include your logo!)
- A photo of you looking happy, relaxed and grateful
- A funny, lighthearted photo of you pretending to play a horn or blow a whistle
- An abstract photo representing “gratitude” (ie: a Thank You card, a bouquet of flowers, or a bunch of balloons)
Post 7

You asked, I/we answered! Introducing [insert something new your business is offering, ie: Facebook shopping, kids sizes, workshops, overnight shipping, etc.]. Now you can [insert benefit of this new offering, ie: place your order without leaving Facebook; share the Jill’s T love with the whole family, or have your order in your hot little hands by tomorrow morning!] Learn more:
- A simple graphic you create providing information about your new offering
- A photo of you (and/or your team) “celebrating” (ie: high-five, thumbs-up, or with a party hat and streamers)
Post 8

In case you need a little boost today, here’s one I love c/o author Glennon Doyle: “A good day is a good day. A bad day is a good story. At the end of the day, it’s all good.” Yes! Here’s to being able to see the good stories in the bad days <3
- A simple graphic you create featuring the Glennon Doyle quote as a text overlay
- A funny, lighthearted photo showing you making the most of a bad day (ie: enjoying a piece of cake even though the batter fell on the floor)
- A photo showing you and/or your team or family having a particularly good day (ie: watching a sunrise, relaxing in the garden, etc.)
Post 9

What would you do with [insert 3 primary benefits/results of your product/service, ie: “more time, less stress, and more money”]? The possibilities are endless, right!?
The desire to provide people with [insert variation of those 3 benefits/results, ie: “the ability to have a stress-free event”] is precisely why I/we created [insert business/brand name].
And I can’t wait for you to try it. Visit [ie: website or brick-and-mortar location] to learn more.
- A photo of you looking relaxed, happy and approachable
- A photo of you with your product or performing your service
- A simple graphic you create featuring the three primary benefits you mention in your post (Make sure to include your logo!)
- A photo of a happy client/customer (Note: Always get permission to share photos of clients/customers on social media.)
Post 10

These guys right here, the reason I work so hard. Meet [insert, ie: my kids, my family, my pet, my hiking boots]. I love what I do, but the thing that really gets me out of bed in the morning is the knowledge that working hard at [insert, ie: my work/business] will give me [insert, ie: the freedom, the time, the future] to enjoy a truly blessed life with [insert, my family]. What’s your why?
- A photo or series of photos of “Your Why” (ie: your family, kid(s), pet(s), or you enjoying your favorite hobby)
Post 11

To TikTok or not to TikTok? Vote! Do you use Tiktok? I [choose: “do. Check me out at [insert handle/link].” or “don’t, but you can find me on Instagram at [insert handle/link].”]
- A photo of you thinking or “questioning” (ie: asking a question, hands/arms up in “Why?”)
- If you TikTok, a photo of you performing a recent (but appropriate) TikTok trend
- If you don’t TikTok, a photo or graphic representing the other social network you’re directing people to in your caption
Post 12

Trade Secret Time! I couldn’t do what I do without [insert a favorite tool, product or non-competitive fellow business and, as possible, include a tag or @mention]. It [insert how it helps you in your business]. What’s your fave tool of the trade?
- A photo of you at your desk or workspace
- A photo of you with your product, just your product or of you performing your service
- A photo of you using one of the tools mentioned in your post (or a stylized photo of just that tool)
- A simple graphic you create “giving away” one of your trade secrets (with care!)
Post 13

DID YOU KNOW that beyond [insert primary product/service offering or a well-known benefit to using your product/service], [insert business name] also [choose: “offers” or “can help to”] [insert 2-3 other offerings or lesser-known benefits]? Cool, right! And the benefits don’t stop there. Get in touch to learn more.
- A simple graphic you create featuring the words “Did you know?” as a text overlay
- A simple graphic you create listing all of your product categories or services (not just the most popular or well-known ones)
- A professional photo of you (ie: headshot)
- A photo of you “at work” (ie: with your product or performing your service)
- A photo of you with a happy client/customer (Note: Always get permission to share photos of clients/customers on social media.)
Post 14

You don’t have to be perfect to be awesome! So get out there and dazzle the world today with your wonderfully weird and worthy self!
- A simple graphic you create featuring the quote as a text overlay
- A fun, lighthearted photo of you (or a friend or family member, shared with permission) being imperfect but awesome
Post 15

WIll it be easy? No. Will it be worth it? Absolutely. <– This! This is the truth I’m trying to live today. ([Insert, as possible, a short anecdote about something recent and business-related that felt challenging but worth it.]) How about you?
- A photo of you looking satisfied and proud (ideally in front of your desk or workspace, in your office, with your team or with (or making) your product)
- A side-by-side comparison (or slideshow) that shows a photo from “the early (and unglamorous) days” of just starting out vs. the success of where you are today <– Think: “How it started vs. how it’s going!”
- A simple graphic you create featuring the quote as a text overlay
Post 16

INSIDER TIP –> [Choose:
1) “Want to get even more out of your [insert business name + product/service]? Try this: [Insert something easy and free that clients/customers can do to enhance the benefit of using your product/service, but not take away from the primary benefit of your product/service. Bonus points if your tip references a fellow, non-competitive brand or business you can tag/@mention to increase the possibility of cross-promotion.] or
2) “Want to know what the experts know? Check out this [insert, ie: article, blog post etc.] featuring Insider Tips c/o yours truly and [insert 2-3 completementary but non-competitive industry-leaders whose expertise you’re sharing] so you can get the most out of your [insert product/service] experience!]]
- A simple graphic you create “teasing” the Insider Tip or featuring the partner/resource your post highlights
- A fun photo of you that hints at “pulling back the curtain” or “telling a secret”
Post 17

I’ll file this one under “Things I’m trying to learn to do”. Thoughts?
- A simple graphic you create featuring the quote as a text overlay
- A lighthearted photo that shows you growing or “going with the flow”
- A side-by-side photo comparison that shows you starting (ie: trying) and then finishing something (ie: succeeding)
Post 18

Not sure if [insert product/service, ie: “a professional event planner”] is right for you? Take this quiz: 1. You [insert common problem your product/service solves] 2. You [insert problem] 3. You [insert problem]. If you answered “Yes!” to any of those questions, then we should talk!
- A photo of you thinking or “questioning” (ie: asking a question, hands/arms up in “Why?”)
- A simple graphic you create highlighting your USP or the 3 problems/solutions you discuss in your post
- A fun/funny photo showing someone struggling with one of the challenges your post addresses (Note: Always get permission to share photos of other people on social media, unless you’re using a photo you own or a stock photo you’ve purchased.)
Post 19

Okay, so –> stating the obvious: I’m obsessed with all things [insert your industry, ie: “flower arranging” or “dog training”].
If you share my passion, check out these resources. They’re my go-to to get my [insert industry] fix: [insert 2-3 tags, @mentions or links for top, non-competitive leaders or resources in your industry that your followers might find helpful].
Do you have a fave place for [industry] info and inspo? Share!
- A photo of you
- A photo of you reading (ie: a book, a mobile device or your computer)
- A photo that represents your industry (ie: a bouquet of flowers for a florist or a cute dog for a dog trainer)
- A simple graphic you create featuring the words “A few of my favorite things…” as a text overlay or highlighting the resources you mention in your post
Post 20

🎧🎧🎧 Today’s playlist at [insert business name]? Well, I’m/we’re rocking out to [insert popular, recognizable, funny or strange song title(s)] right now. What are you listening to?
- A photo of you with headphones on
- A (more fun) photo of you and/or your team or family “rocking out” (ie: dancing)
Post 21

T-minus [insert, ie: 2-days] until [insert offering, inc. promo and benefit], folks! Don’t miss it. [Insert CTA with a sense of urgency, ie: “Only room for a limited number of new members, so get on the waitlist now!”]
- A simple graphic you create providing information about your new offering
- A photo of you (and/or your team) “celebrating” (ie: high-five, thumbs-up, or with a party hat and streamers)
- A photo of you “counting down” (ie: watching a clock or with an hourglass)