Light: 9 Business Posts – (Collection 5)


Each social post below includes a graphic and a caption that you can grab, customize and publish to your social accounts right away. The graphics link to free, editable Canva templates and the captions can be selected, copied, edited and pasted into your chosen social networks.

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On the last day of this month these posts will go offline for “Light” members. Grab them now before they’re gone. “Full Access” members have ongoing access to this collection.

If you’re a free-trial user, at the end of your 7-day free trial please upgrade for $9/mo to get access to next month’s collection of 9 new posts. See plans and pricing for more options.

Post 1
Social Post Business Growth Templates

I love learning about my followers. Let’s get to know each other! Where do you live and what’s the best thing about the city you call home? (I’m from [insert city] and I love our [insert thing].)

Post 2
Social Post Business Growth Templates

Launching in 3, 2 , 1 . . . πŸš€ That’s right! Just [insert timeline, ie: 3 days] until [insert announcement, product/service launch or promotion and pertinent details]. Learn more via [insert contact information] or reach out here!

Post 3
Social Post Business Growth Templates

For me [or: For us at (insert business name)], happiness is a satisfied customer πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ [As appropriate, add: So there’s nothing better than getting a message like this one: [insert excerpt of testimonial or review].]

Post 4
Social Post Business Growth Templates

Double-tap if you love what you do! Aren’t we lucky?

Post 5
Social Post Business Growth Templates

When I [choose: “started [insert business name]” or “joined the [insert business name] team”], I knew I’d love [insert a variation of the primary benefit of your product/service], but I’ve been surprised by how much I love [insert something less obvious/surprising about your job]. Cool, right? So much to love. It’s why I feel so lucky to be doing what I do. How about you?

Post 6
Social Post Business Growth Templates

Let’s talk desktop must-haves! Mine are: [insert 3-4 items you keep on your workspace, either silly or personal things, or those that you use for your work. Bonus if you can tag the manufacturer to increase opportunities for engagement and cross-promotion.] What do you like to have nearby while you work?

Post 7
Social Post Business Growth Templates

What did you want to be when you grew up? I was sure I was going to be a/an [insert], which is funny because [insert what’s funny about it, either that it’s so closely related to what you’re doing now or that it’s not related at all and how you feel about it.]

Post 8
Social Post Business Growth Templates

Wow, was I ever struggling to get to started today! But then I saw this quote online:

“Focus on being productive instead of being busy”. So I set aside a few seconds, did THESE FOUR THINGS recommended for productivity, and got to work:

1: Made sure my workspace was uncluttered
2: Reorganized my task list to make it realistic
3: Turned off notifications to avoid distractions
4: Set deadlines and promised myself regular reward breaks

How do you get motivated and stay productive?

Post 9
Social Post Business Growth Templates

I have a secret . . . Even though I’ve been [choose: “doing my job” or “running my business”] for [insert time period] and am 100% confident in the benefits of [insert product/service], I still struggle sometimes with [insert something relatable that you are working to get better at doing, ie: “delivering my elevator pitch” or “doing sessions online”]. But I’m working on it! Is there something about your job that you wish came a little easier to you?